
2024 – Felt-sense Aliveness Without Conflict

Posted by on Jan 12, 2023

2024 – Felt-sense Aliveness Without Conflict

“Radical inclusion of the conflict within creates inner peace.”   As we begin this new year, let’s begin remembering  we have the “free choice” to place our attention consciously. Paying attention to and becoming aware of the inner conflict living inside of us,  let’s understand that this conflict comes from a divisive world of either attraction and aversion, which serves our survival needs in a finite world and protect us from harm. This creates a great divide between automatic attention being placed on what we are attracted to and what we are...

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What is Our Capacity?

Posted by on Sep 10, 2022

What is Our Capacity?

The “Capacity” for staying present to what is determines how integration can occur. Capacity is developed through witnessing the enactment of the third force of creation: The reconciling force. The receptive force of creation (the first force), and reactive force of creation (the second force), are balanced and intrinsically connected by a third force of creation called the reconciling force. Overall, we are receiving a multitude of impressions per millisecond, yet, we can only perceive a limited number of them in our conscious awareness. There is a hierarchy in the lenses of perception in...

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In Times of Crisis | What Is Possible?

Posted by on Aug 12, 2022

In Times of Crisis | What Is Possible?

Setting an Intention for the Somatic Enneagram Training Program In times of crisis lies the opportunity for transformation and an opening to the unknown. Inner Work in times of transition is invaluable as it allows us to reflect on and renew the perceptions we have relied upon in the past. To be able to transition into a new way of understanding, we are required to look within at what is resistant to change. By looking at ourselves through the Felt-sense Lens of Perception, Somatic Enneagram Awareness gives us a map and a method that brings a deeper understanding of what is driving our...

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The Body is the Resource…

Posted by on Apr 2, 2020

The Body is the Resource…

Everything created and manifested contains a blueprint of the primal source of all things. Deeply imbedded in all material substances is the origin and the energetic presence of the unmanifested, unconditioned reality. How can it (the unconditioned reality) ever be separate and divided, when it is the very raw essence of all things? Many spiritual disciplines have body-based practices to bring us back home from being attached to a conditioned reality of two opposites profoundly experienced as separate parts and opposing in nature to something much more subtle and profound, easily overlooked...

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RESILIENCE – Through Relaxing the Emotions in the Body

Posted by on Apr 29, 2018

RESILIENCE – Through Relaxing the Emotions in the Body

Listen to the LIVECAST WEBINAR RECORDING of Marion Gilbert and Transcend Egypt’s Islam Abokandil: RECORDED ON SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2020 12:00 P.M. PDT 2 HOURS Join Marion Gilbert for a Somatic Enneagram™ Approach teaching. In this webinar, Marion will share: What is resilience? What is the relationship between emotions and our bodies? Learn the Somatic Approach to relaxing the emotions in the body. Marion has been practicing physical therapy since 1978 and is the owner of a well established physical therapy...

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Why Do We Resist the Hurt?

Posted by on Aug 3, 2016

Why Do We Resist the Hurt?

The obstacles to healing are the same as the obstacles to prayer or contemplation. The body gives us access to the truth of the present state of ​our physical reality. The body lets us know what is going on, and it does this through a process called, “awareness,” a process that connects us with the felt-sense in the body, which is like tuning in to a particular sensory language. Often, this kind of awareness process is not congruent with what we tell ourselves and hide fro ourselves as our true state of well-being. Across our years growing up and over time, we learn how to adapt...

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