Who Would Benefit from the Somatic Enneagram™?
>Somatic Enneagram™ is for anyone on the path of personal transformation. It’s also ideal for parents, as well as those working with others, including coaches, spiritual directors, mental health and physical therapists and practitioners, and educators.
What is the Focus of Somatic Enneagram? Why Take These 5 Modules?
The Somatic Enneagram is not a “movement program,” or a “dance class, ” but rather, it’s the study of how a felt-sense awareness of our somatic (body) sensations puts us in touch with our deepest feelings — from joy and peace to defensiveness and reactivity — and is what we need to be in touch with in order to develop intrapersonally as a human being. It’s the process by which we can come to live with far more response-flexibility, peace, and well-being and far less emotional upheaval, distress, and discomfort.
Module 1 and all subsequent modules are for all of us interested in going beyond “understanding our Enneagram type” to actually working with our Enneagram type structure in order to decrease the way we suffer our cognitive-emotional patterns of defense and reactivity (getting angry, acting out, withdrawing, shutting down, etc.) These five modules are designed to help us achieve real and lasting intrapersonal shifts and sustainable developmental transformation.
To ensure you get the most of the training, module by module, we are recommending and requesting that registrants of the Somatic Enneagram modules come with the knowledge of their own Enneagram type and a basic familiarity with all nine types of the Enneagram system.
“To be with the triggers of our type without becoming reactive is the promise of this work.” — Marion Gilbert
Module 1 | Basic Introduction to Somatic Awareness Method and Practice
In Module 1, we will learn the Foundational Elements — what is Grounded Presence, Inner Observer cultivation, and Placement of Attention practice — and the basics of the Somatic Enneagram Method through lecture, discussion, and the observation of type panels’ demonstrations. In this module, we learn to use our body intelligence to relax type structure and cultivate inner resources, allowing us to return to a grounded and receptive way to experience ourselves, and meet ourselves, others, and the world at large more openly. Read Course Summary and Objectives >>
REGISTER for MODULE 1 | FEB 7–9 2025 >>
REGISTER SOON for MODULE 1 | SEP 12–14 2025 >>
REGISTER for IN-PERSON (Burlingame, CA) MODULES 1, 2, 3 | MAR 26–APR 1 2025 >>
Module 2 | A Somatic Approach to the Defense System of the Enneagram
Learn to use somatic intelligence to recognize our automatic defense mechanism and the adaptive strategies of our type. This learning gives us greater freedom and choice in how we respond and react to life’s circumstances. Understanding what is driving our reactions and behaviors, and being able to contact them at the point of arising, is the foundation of this workshop. Our neurobiology is a hierarchical system and is designed to respond to prioritized needs first, which determines the automatic reactivity we seem to repeat over and over again until we build enough capacity, using “felt sense” awareness, to access the non-defended, available resources within. Read Course Summary and Objectives >>
REGISTER for MODULE 2 | APR 11–13 2025
REGISTER for IN-PERSON (Burlingame, CA) MODULES 1, 2, 3 | MAR 26–APR 1 2025 >>
Module 3 | The Enneagram: Experiencing Essence & the Survival Strategies of Type
Learn to use a somatic approach to distinguish personality from the experience of essence (Enneagram of Harmony), using the Categories of Perception of each Enneagram type (Enneagram of Process). Gain an understanding of the interfacing of the Law of Three and the Law of Seven in order to work with accessing the deeper wisdom of the Enneagram. This gives us an appreciation for and a connection with inherent wisdom qualities on the energetic plane. Develop the capacity to reawaken the intrinsic resources needed to metabolize deeper-rooted, conditioned patterns of automatic behavior, which are based on how we learned to survive in the beginning of our lives. Read Course Summary and Objectives >>
REGISTER SOON for MODULE 3 | JAN 10–12 2025 >>
REGISTER for IN-PERSON (Burlingame, CA) MODULES 1, 2, 3 | MAR 26–APR 1 2025 >>
Module 4 | Somatic Awareness Practice to Develop Skillful Means (2 days)
REGISTER SOON for Modules 4-5 in EGYPT, DEC 3–8 2025 >>
Module 5 | Enneagram of Transformation (4 days)
REGISTER SOON for Modules 4-5 in EGYPT, DEC 3–8 2025 >>